Chakri Memorial Day
Thais enjoy a public holiday, Wednesday, 6 April, just a week ahead of the popular Songkran festival, 13 to 15 April.
Both are public holidays for government, banks and commercial sector.
The country celebrates Chakri Memorial Day, Wednesday, 6 April, to honour the nine kings who have ruled Thailand under the present Chakri Dynasty.
The first king in the Chakri Dynasty, Rama I, founded the capital in Bangkok. The current ruler, His Majesty the King, Bhumibol Adulyadej, is the world’s longest reigning monarch. His reign commenced 9 June 1946.
Officially three days, the Songkran festival gets underway a week later, 13 April and ends 15 April. Savvy travel planners who take leave from work on Monday and Tuesday (11 and 12 April) can enjoy a nine-day break by the time the Songkran holiday-week runs out its course on Sunday 17 April.
The three-day holiday prompts a massive exodus of Bangkok residents who return to their rural homes to spend the holiday with their families and friends. However, it usually extends to five or seven days when the nearest weekend is included.